Gabriel Chase member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 |
Gabriel Chase member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 |
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
As of April 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon is around $103,641 per year.
The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.
Lawyers in Grant County with active legal licenses in Q3
Lawyer Name | Bar Number | Date of License Granted |
Adam E. Deitz | 206330 | - |
Christie A. Timko | 974409 | - |
Elmer M. Dickens | 980484 | - |
Hannah Rose Jenkins | 234619 | - |
Jim Carpenter | 004361 | - |
Kathleen Erin Dunn | 970180 | - |
Mark Claramunt | 226044 | - |
Matthew Lee Baughman | 170332 | - |
Riccola J. Voigt | 115446 | - |
Robert S. Raschio | 013864 | - |
Timothy Daniel Beaubien | 141505 | - |