
East Oregon News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Harney County rise or fall in 2021?

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Farms throughout cities in Harney County received $475,990 less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 193 farmers in cities within Harney County received a total of $5.8 million in 438 farm subsidies, a 7.6% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $6.3 million in 513 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Harney County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Peila Ranch, Inc.$323,599$342,4695.8%
William S. Peila$258,182$297,03715%
Mike Peila$132,292$251,09589.8%
Hotchkiss Company$302,945$189,133-37.6%
T & T Livestock, LLC$268,322$181,251-32.5%
Betty Opie$81,513$176,068116%
Blue Mountain Cattle, Inc.$172,524$165,132-4.3%
Joseph P. Cronin$56,325$142,750153.4%
Ketscher Cattle Company$187,637$141,059-24.8%
Travis Lee Singhose$195,374$132,959-31.9%
Ray J. Beck$94,686$131,95639.4%
Thompson Ranch, Inc.$92,677$130,20840.5%
Kerry Opie$144,359$129,397-10.4%
ACW, Inc.$266,780$114,964-56.9%
Kurt Beaubien$6,785$106,9041,475.6%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity Credit Corporation$0$103,096--
Geren Moon Ranch$95,885$103,0007.4%
Kelli J. Rose$95,605$88,087-7.9%
Drewsey Field Ranch Company$103,144$87,337-15.3%
Cory D. Shelman$76,062$78,1132.7%
Catherine Baltzor$23,652$68,752190.7%
Jeremiah O'Sullivan$115,540$68,124-41%
Soldier Creek Cattle, LLC$0$66,524--
Castor Idoeta$32,546$64,94999.6%
Burns Paiute Tribe$63,935$63,9350%
Ernest Starbuck$15,334$62,129305.2%
Dean White$79,091$60,080-24%
Jerry A. Miller$77,879$59,754-23.3%
Lorin Sherburn$46,137$59,73829.5%
Erik R. Steen$16,018$58,508265.3%
Joe Arnold$67,640$57,824-14.5%
David Arnold$67,552$57,761-14.5%
Glen Daniel Starbuck$31,999$55,26172.7%
Don Toelle$32,050$54,89771.3%
Coleman Creek Ranch, LLC$93,077$54,218-41.7%
Will Bentz$51,216$52,7573%
Joel R. Davis$41,365$48,12416.3%
Wesley L. Tyler$91,789$47,205-48.6%
Thad W. Hillman$46,803$45,670-2.4%
Chance and Dana Peila$51,811$45,228-12.7%
Linda L. Baker$25,797$42,51864.8%
T V Land and Cattle, LLC$75,150$42,390-43.6%
Kurt Eldon Beaubien$8,855$42,298377.7%
V Dash Cattle Company$73,971$42,099-43.1%
LCL Tyler Ranch, LLC$173,210$39,663-77.1%
Bradley Mark Mastre$23,848$39,64166.2%
Becky Rose$75,968$38,737-49%
Donald R. White$37,428$36,057-3.7%
Larry Carlon$30,487$34,54413.3%
3J Cattle Company$93,628$34,337-63.3%
David Robert Mims$0$33,364--
Vern I. Brown Jr.$39,276$32,765-16.6%
Donald B. Doverspike$0$30,568--
Nellie Franklin$25,928$29,62714.3%
White Hereford Ranch, Inc.$34,239$29,603-13.5%
James D. Robey$23,404$28,78323%
Frank D. Catterson$2,055$28,3181,278%
Martin Urizar$43,652$26,572-39.1%
Gouveia Ranch$25,674$26,1181.7%
Nicholas F. Schott$27,340$26,107-4.5%
John Clemens$11,979$25,986116.9%
Danielle R. Gregg$37,450$25,945-30.7%
Owens Hay, LLC$19,529$25,65331.4%
Lee Steven Thumberg$12,036$25,483111.7%
Seven T Ranch Partnership$38,649$24,462-36.7%
Bauer Agent Enterprises, LLC$29,592$24,130-18.5%
Clint Casey$35,342$20,511-42%
Jack G. Smith$16,886$20,04618.7%
Broken Circle Company$18,548$19,8387%
Jack W. Glascock$29,062$19,654-32.4%
C4 Cattle Company, LLC$19,201$18,796-2.1%
Larry Imbach$29,997$18,649-37.8%
Otley Land & Cattle, LLC$19,339$18,360-5.1%
Joshua Caleb Cargill$27,643$18,317-33.7%
Casey J. Shelman$18,607$17,848-4.1%
JWJ Farms, LLC$18,799$17,079-9.1%
Jacob Potter$19,901$16,929-14.9%
Dean L. Shelman$23,364$16,151-30.9%
Louie's Cattle Service, LLC$47,655$15,238-68%
Derek Hammer$13,335$14,96512.2%
Steven R. Doverspike$0$14,911--
Cameron Koehn$34,336$14,751-57%
Dennis Buermann$23,887$14,727-38.3%
Jared Lane Wedel$21,932$14,622-33.3%
Ed E. Dunlap$21,961$13,998-36.3%
Dorathy Ousley$12,143$13,93114.7%
Roger Sheley$20,552$13,871-32.5%
Bill Langenfeld$28,445$13,714-51.8%
Vetter Ranch, LLC$10,560$13,65729.3%
Sarah Fenley$20,085$13,485-32.9%
David Mims$96,175$12,724-86.8%
Chad Bradach$14,650$12,584-14.1%
Blaine Gehrke$12,770$11,851-7.2%
Kirby Isaac$16,353$11,694-28.5%
Jack Bryan Wright$31,008$11,592-62.6%
Mathieu J. Zander$20,860$11,471-45%
Kendall Wedel$12,739$10,173-20.1%
Badger Ventures, LLC$7,233$8,87022.6%
Kevin Thomas$17,411$8,677-50.2%
Trevor Faulkner$9,205$8,594-6.6%
Wendy Rickman$9,702$8,543-11.9%
B & L Cattle Company, LLC$46,005$7,871-82.9%
Ronald Whiting$6,970$6,9700%
Jamie Renee Erickson$12,334$6,951-43.6%
Joseph Langenfeld$15,152$6,840-54.9%
John O'Connor$14,535$6,824-53.1%
Jason Ott$9,676$6,343-34.4%
Rodney A. Johnson$6,853$6,258-8.7%
Shawn Stalcup$11,657$6,186-46.9%
John M. Peila IV$22,945$6,169-73.1%
Lee S. Wilson$15,102$6,052-59.9%
Brooke Hatley$3,020$5,76991%
Hotchkiss Farms, LLC$4,276$5,70233.3%
Bryce Wedel$4,517$5,60324%
Red Barn LLT, Inc.$6,768$5,536-18.2%
Steve Rickman$14,215$5,518-61.2%
DCR Cattle Company, LLC$15,361$4,384-71.5%
Diane Duke$0$4,349--
The Cottonwood Legacy, LLC$4,292$4,2920%
Shaun D. Steinbeck$11,165$4,115-63.1%
Greenwing Properties, LLC$4,944$3,794-23.3%
Kent Scott$8,530$3,787-55.6%
Ryan J. Peila$12,399$3,362-72.9%
Glen Adams$3,847$2,865-25.5%
Matthew C. King$2,146$2,86133.3%
Scott W. Houck$10,747$2,624-75.6%
Lester McBain$11,734$2,527-78.5%
Peter D. Casey$0$2,380--
Robert Frank$0$2,184--
John Wright$0$2,111--
Jon Morgan$0$2,111--
Jane Jones$5,922$1,936-67.3%
Gary D. Miller$1,895$1,8950%
Nick Miller$1,895$1,8950%
Schnabele Ranches, Inc.$0$1,753--
Luke Leroy Starbuck$8,107$1,750-78.4%
Allen William Farnsworth$2,926$1,744-40.4%
Gilmour Mint Farms, LLC$28,554$1,733-93.9%
Alan Bossuot$1,955$1,688-13.7%
Raymond Thompson$2,967$1,623-45.3%
Bruce Aldrich$1,994$1,582-20.7%
David W. Arntz$2,155$1,402-34.9%
Lavonne Ritches$1,675$1,329-20.7%
April Bronson$5,742$1,289-77.6%
Curtis J. Blackburn$1,618$1,285-20.6%
Linda K Mallery-Mclean$11,783$1,276-89.2%
Ly Ranch, LLC$2,134$1,260-41%
Anthony Mims$6,116$1,247-79.6%
Julia Sharp$906$1,20833.3%
Laura Georges$462$1,185156.5%
Robert Cargill Jr.$3,894$1,175-69.8%
Boyd Bishop$5,902$1,104-81.3%
Marilyn Wittrock Living Trust$902$9020%
Crystal A. Otley$899$8990%
Shane L. Otley$899$8990%
Robert Johnson$3,938$855-78.3%
Shawn W. Mace$5,736$841-85.3%
Allan W and Pauline Braymen Trust - P$0$761--
Arly Williams$3,588$734-79.5%
Lisa Grant$1,342$709-47.2%
Amanda Margaret Zgraggen Tyler$4,812$683-85.8%
Mario Recanzone$935$663-29.1%
Darin Goertzen$5,904$654-88.9%
Kendal Lynn Tracey$1,716$641-62.6%
David Thomas$0$626--
Tom Sams$2,222$616-72.3%
Jesse Barnes$2,188$612-72%
Kevin M. Tracey$0$568--
Todd Titus$2,145$531-75.2%
Candace Carpenter$0$521--
Darcy Dawn Ugalde$4,033$519-87.1%
Leann M. Smith$0$509--
Catherine Therese Nonnenmacher$0$478--
Kyle Dunbar$3,107$477-84.6%
Ronald L. Wedel$3,531$433-87.7%
Wanda Alden$434$432-0.5%
Sod House Farms, LLC$538$427-20.6%
Mark W. Scott$0$414--
Clifford Burian Jr.$1,417$411-71%
David Perkins$2,531$370-85.4%
Phyllis Bullock$825$291-64.7%
Jason M. Kesling$931$255-72.6%
Janell I. Buermann$295$228-22.7%
Mike Travis$1,037$225-78.3%
Heidi A. Jenkins$0$219--
Kyra Eileen Robey$968$194-80%
Nicole Annmarie Robey$880$187-78.8%
Jessica Smith$429$183-57.3%
Dakota Michael Robey$704$173-75.4%
Jacee Otley$715$132-81.5%
Sierra Otley$715$132-81.5%
Ian Lee Dawson$396$100-74.7%
Edwin R. Ensz$2,035$72-96.5%
Allan W and Pauline Braymen Trust$12,670$0-100%
Argetta Williams$220$0-100%
Bonnie Rasmussen$1,705$0-100%
Carl Wyatt Neumann$2,534$0-100%
Catherine Therese Clemens$2,332$0-100%
Charlotte Lamborn$4,224$0-100%
Dena Molyneux$596$0-100%
Jack Bentz$1,100$0-100%
Leann M. Smith$2,442$0-100%
Mark W. Scott$891$0-100%
Norene Fretwell$435$0-100%
Wright Farms, LLC$2,663$0-100%
Diane Duke$6,734$0-100%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity CRE$825$0-100%
Jolene Gouveia$1,135$0-100%
Marty K. Suter$7,706$0-100%
Norene Fretwell$109$0-100%
Tina Mello$1,484$0-100%
Total subsidies$6,259,305$5,783,315-7.6%



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