Wallow County - OR issued the following announcement on Mar. 1.
The Wallowa County Board of Commissioners will be conducting their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 9 AM, in the Thornton conference Room located on the first floor, at 101 S River Street, Enterprise, Oregon.
Meetings and hearings are open to the public.
For questions, concerns or need of special accommodations please contact the Wallowa County Commissioners Office at 426-4543, EXT. 1130.
ZOOM Meeting Information:
Join Zoom Meeting by logging in with both FIRST and LAST name at:
Meeting ID: 856 0722 5482
Passcode: 111043
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Meeting ID: 856 0722 5482
Passcode: 111043
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kmUXjDuqY
Original source can be found here.